The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration: Integrating People and Intelligent Systems (IHSI 2020) provided a global forum for discussing human-machine interaction topics in a broad area of applications. About 180 scheduled talks covered innovative topics on transportation engineering, automotive design, cognitive systems, computational modelling, smart materials as well as a three dedicated tracks on Human-Autonomy Teaming with more than 20 talks exclusively on this topic. MEDIATOR was presented in one of these Human-Autonomy Teaming sessions by Matthias Beggiato from Chemnitz University of Technology.
Next to the presentation of the overall MEDIATOR aims and approach, the talk focussed on first empirical results of Work Package 1, i.e. the potential of Face Tracking as innovative driver state sensor. Details can be found in the most recent publication. The general (MEDIATOR) idea of considering Human and Automation as a team by continuously assessing strengths and weaknesses of both partners fitted perfectly in these sessions.
Other research teams presented similar goals in different domains, such as teaming pilots and automation in aviation, automated systems and train driver in the railway sector, as well as driver/user and automated vehicles. Very interesting and fruitful discussions took place with colleagues from other research projects such as AutoMate, Tango, CoInCar and US-initiatives, which also use Face Tracking for assessing user interaction with automated vehicles (Neubauer et al.).
Specific questions regarding the MEDIATOR concept focussed e.g. on how we plan to deal with different levels of trust in automation / the MEDIATOR system.