Highlights MEDIATOR Scientific Advisory Board Meeting

On 8th of December 2020 the second meeting with the Scientific Advisory board took place online. Five international scientific experts joined the meeting: Linda Boyle from the University of Washington (USA), Carol Flannagan from the University of Michigan (USA), John D. Lee from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), Satoshi Kitazaki from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan) and David Shinar from the Ben-Gurion University (Israel). Ann Williamson, University of New South Wales in Australia provided comments by mail, she was not able to join the meeting due to the time difference.

The MEDIATOR Executive Board first presented the project scope, the progress of the project and the main challenges ahead. This was followed by a constructive discussion on the prioritization of the presented use cases and corresponding evaluation. Advisory board members provided valuable input on how to approach this prioritization and emphasized the importance and novelty of the MEDIATOR concept. The fruitful discussion provided a good basis for further focus of the project. We thank the Scientific Advisory Board members for their contribution to a very successful meeting!

Linda Boyle:
“I think you guys are doing a really good job!”

Carol Flannagan:
“You guys have made a ton of progress, it is really good! You are better on target in Covid times than most. Don’t forget to take a minute to say: wow that is great!”

Satoshi Kitazaki:
“I liked the idea of MEDIATOR and I hope that this will be a kind of game changer in automated driving technology.”

David Shinar:
“I think you did a lot and obviously you did a great job!”