Insightful first Multi Modal Workshop

On the 8th of October, the H2020 project MEDIATOR organised its first Multi Modal Workshop in Gothenburg, Sweden.
The aim of the workshop, hosted by VTI, was to collect and exchange information on human factors/human performance, automation/decision making, and HMI in different transport modes.

The focus of MEDIATOR mainly lies on road transport, however the project aims to feed results into aviation, maritime and rail transport domains, with mode-specific adaptations. In order to achieve this, knowledge transfer is needed between these transportation modes.

The objective of this workshop was to exchange information on human factors, HMI, degraded performance, minimum acceptable performance etc., in order to identify opportunities as well as potential barriers. State of the art knowledge on following topics was presented, after which panel discussions took place. Eight external experts were invited to reflect on these three topics in their domain.

Human factors / human performance
Rolf Zon – NLR
Ross Philips – TØI
Joakim Dahlman – VTI

Automation / decision making
Andreas Törnblom – Transrail
Øyvind Pedersen – Kongsberg Maritime

Gustav Arnby – SAAB Aeronautics
Anita Weltz – RSSB
Thomas Porathe – NTNU

The discussions were mostly focused on lessons learnt from transport modes with a longer experience of automation. Some useful ideas and practices from these communities can now be taken into consideration in the design of the MEDIATOR system. The Multi Modal Workshop was considered a great success by the participants. Consequently, in a later phase of the project, another Multi Modal Workshop will be organised.